Jump Manual

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sleep Well!

Sleep well!

Sleep, and body composition. Your weight might not be directly affected by sleep, but your body composition can be. Chronic sleep deprivation results in higher body fat levels, lower muscle strength. Acute sleep loss can weaken immune response over 50%. Are you sleeping enough? 7-9 hours is the sweet spot, most people do well with 8.
The rules for a good nights sleep
1. A completely dark room, no lights from clocks, TVs, phones
2. A cool room
3. A quiet room, no background noise unless its white noise, rain etc
4. If you have difficulty sleeping, eat high tryptophan foods and bit of juice
5. Melatonin 3-6mg also helps, use tryptophan first though
6 Take an Epsom Salt bath 20 minutes before bed, you will sleep deeper.
7. Magnesium supplements are best taken before bed, natural relaxer.
8. Move electronic devices away from you.
9. Meditate or self relax to settle your body down
10 Visualization, turning off a switch at night sounds crazy but do it anyway.




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