Drug Addiction and Insulin Resistance, same thing! ( I want you to understand!!)
When a person uses a drug, any drug for that matter, the body begins to
develop a resistance to it. The most powerful representation of that is
heroin addiction. Heroin is a very powerful opioid drug, and users
become strongly addicted to it.
Over time the person requires
higher and higher amounts of heroin to accomplish the same thing as the
first use. This is how the body works and so this mechanism is well
proven. In a sense the addicted person has developed heroin resistance.
Think about insulin. Insulin is a naturally produced hormone that is
the primary fat and glucose storage hormone in the body. Without insulin
you won’t be able to get glucose into your cells and you can go into a
diabetic coma and die. Obviously that is not what we want; we need
insulin for survival.
The phenomenon of insulin resistance comes
about the same way as does heroin resistance, insulin around all the
time makes your body more resistant to its affect. Ultimately it takes
more insulin to do the same function as before, and now you are on your
way to a metabolic disease.
Typically insulin resistance
accompanies poor diet rich in sugar and starch and very little physical
activity. This is the case with Type 2 diabetes.
When you are
inactive, when you consume too much food, too often of the wrong type
your body attempts to store the excess calories and sugar with insulin.
Soon you are making insulin all the time. The result…insulin
resistance. To bring it home:
The medical community is fixated with treating the elevated blood
sugar, which is the symptom, and not the problem. They don’t even test
insulin levels!!!
They treat the sugar levels with multiple
medications. Over time medicated patients get worse due to this
treatment methodology, moving from one medication to another and
eventually on to using insulin itself, which is the worst possible thing
to do. You already have too much insulin; it’s the insulin resistance
that needs to be fixed. Fixing insulin resistance with insulin is like
trying to fix an alcoholic with alcohol! Treating the problem with the
problem is not the answer.
For years I have seen friends, family
members and patients get sicker and sicker following this backwards
treatment methodology.
I am disgusted enough to do something about it, and I didn’t want too. I feel like I need to.
As some of you know I have been making videos attempting to educate my
“herd” my patient’s friends and family members. I want to watch over my
herd, I want them to be well and enjoy the quality of life you deserve.
I’m screaming but I have limited reach.
86,000,000 people are at
risk and you may be one of them, but more likely it’s going to be one of
your children that is affected, children are the largest group of new
Insulin Resistance and Type 2 diabetes is 100%
curable, when properly managed, and is 100% not curable when improperly
I have decided to write an e-book on the topic with
everything I know about conquering this enormous epidemic. It will be a
complete dressing down of the problem, from a total health perspective.
My book will cover diet, exercise, and everything I know about specific
foods you should and should not eat and which supplements are worth
taking and which are not.
I will be writing about some of my crazier ideas and experiments I have conducted on myself that flat out work.
I will also cover things that very few people have even heard of such
as how much sleep matters to metabolism, and what affect does living in
“eternal summer” have on the body’s metabolism.
My outline is done. I hope to create the book soon.
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