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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Why the new diabetes drugs on the horizon are going to be horrible and you read it here first.

Lets face it, Non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a preventable disease. Diet and exercise are overwhelmining effective in managing and preventing it, but despite that a huge percentage of the population become diabetic each year.

Diabetes is an insulin problem first, then its a blood sugar problem. There are some mechanisms involving body fat and muscle that make those tissues less receptive to blood sugar, the body makes and more and more insulin to perform the same task. You have heard that called insulin resistance, and that is the first phase of becoming diabetic. An insidious rise in fasting blood sugars over time mark the initiation of a process of becoming insulin resistant. Once insulin resistance is high enough your body can no longer effectively store away blood sugar, and you are now diabetic. The elevated blood sugar is inflammatory, and initiates a destructive disease process throughout the circulatory system.

High blood sugar is a sticky inflammatory nightmare, adhering to capilary walls and initiating a damaging chain reaction. It affects the eyes, the small distal vessels, kidneys, and heart. High blood sugar elevated heart disease and cancer risk.

Have no fear, a new class of drugs has been created to help with that problem, they assist the body in removing the blood sugar through the kidney. The kidney of course, is one of the structures commonly affected in diabetes, thousands of miles of tighly packed capilaries filter the blood and return clean blood to circulation, while passing metabolic waste out as urine. The kidneys are doing a lot, and now this new class of drug is going to change the mechanics of the renal system allowing more blood sugar to be spilled out in the urine.  canagliflozin (Invokana) is one of these new drugs.

Sounds great right? Hmmm.. not to me, and there are two reasons. The first is that the patient begins to climb the slippery slope of insulin resistance, food, and medication. Forgoing dietary discretion for phamaceutical intervention is part of the the problem already.  People think, I took the medication, ate bad food and still had no elevation in blood sugar. Everything must be ok. This prevents them from actively attempting to change the disease creating dynamic.

Meanwhile the kidneys are now forced to labor harder to choke out more sugar in the blood and expel it through the kidney apparatus.

I see nephrologists getting very busy in the coming years as more diabetics require kidney transplants from the use of these medications. The kidney actually works hard to prevent glucose from being urinated out, but these drugs called SGLT2 will interfere with that process.

I guess the worst thing about it, is in most cases the entire issue is reversible and preventable without dangerous medications.



Monday, June 9, 2014

Sleep Well!

Sleep well!

Sleep, and body composition. Your weight might not be directly affected by sleep, but your body composition can be. Chronic sleep deprivation results in higher body fat levels, lower muscle strength. Acute sleep loss can weaken immune response over 50%. Are you sleeping enough? 7-9 hours is the sweet spot, most people do well with 8.
The rules for a good nights sleep
1. A completely dark room, no lights from clocks, TVs, phones
2. A cool room
3. A quiet room, no background noise unless its white noise, rain etc
4. If you have difficulty sleeping, eat high tryptophan foods and bit of juice
5. Melatonin 3-6mg also helps, use tryptophan first though
6 Take an Epsom Salt bath 20 minutes before bed, you will sleep deeper.
7. Magnesium supplements are best taken before bed, natural relaxer.
8. Move electronic devices away from you.
9. Meditate or self relax to settle your body down
10 Visualization, turning off a switch at night sounds crazy but do it anyway.




Saturday, June 7, 2014

Fats, oils and egg yolks..

Fats, oils and egg yolks.. 

Eat the yolks people, eat them daily, they do not cause heart disease or any meaningful elevation in cholesterol, which actually means nothing anyway. 

Also saturated fats are not evil, in fact they are definitely better than vegetable or unsaturated fats in several key areas. Saturated fats and cholesterol do not cause heart disease. a saturated fat has a stable chemical makeup, it is less susceptible to damage from heat and light then its counterpart.Since some of my Facebook friends are chemists, they could probably explain better than I can, . When you cook with it, it does not break up or get oxidized. Oxidized fatty acids are not good, your body must quench oxidation with its own pool of antioxidants. Best for cooking, Cocunut oil, butter, worst, PUFA like corn oil etc.. Olive oil is a mono unsatured fat, its ok, so is canola, but not as good to cook with as coconut, butter or even lard. Think about this, where does heart disease occur, vein or artery? if you said artery you would be correct, and to further this along, what is the distinction between the two? Arteries carry highly oxygenated blood to the body, veins carry de-oxygenated blood back... hmm... oxygen.. if you are seeing the similarity here you are right.. so if oxygen can be a culprit in a disease process what to do? eat foods high in antioxidants, and consume better fats, stop worrying about cholesterol, be more concerned about inflammation, (oxidation causes inflammation through free radical formation, this damages the artery wall and causes heart disease, and cancer).Processed Sugar is the worst thing you can eat, followed by processed starches and oxidized oils.. bad bad bad..Get your CRP and Sed rates measured, also homocysteine.. (b vitamin deficiency) Back to eggs, studies done on prisoners of war post confinement found no heart disease in the ones that consumed large quantities of eggs.. in fact the egg has great protein and fat, and is a powerhouse of nutrients like phophatidylcholine (for brain) and biotin, skin hair etc.. also it contains high amounts of fat soluable vitamins A, D, E and K... not to mention DHA for brain as well. Avoiding the yolk is silly, and for the average person eating eggs daily is absolutely fine, especially cooked on coconut oil. Avoid at all costs, partially hydrogenated oils, margarine and frankenstein oils, they are chemically altered by monstrous heat and pressure to saturate, causing isomers to be created that your body cannot break down. Summary of this:

cook with saturated fats, coconut, butter, lard
eat saturated fats without worry
avoid PUFA, the clear bottles of yellow oil
avoid processed sugars and starches
avoid synthetic fats, frankenoils
dont worry about your eggs and eat the yolks.
eat lots of antioxidant rich food

get blood work to measure inflammation




Saturday, May 31, 2014

Supplements are Supplemental. Do it wisely.

Food for thought on supplementation:

Dont take Vitamin E in the alpha tocopherol form by itself, it is out of balance and depletes the other forms of vitamin E and makes it a negative.

Magnesium is far more important to supplement than Calcium, most people are magnesium deficient. Low magnesium causes calcium to accumulate in the soft tissues.. not good. People have been talking about the 2:1 ratio of calcium to mag.. Thats bullshit. Take magnesium by itself at night, it will help you sleep and help your muscles recover faster. I dont take a calcium supplement at all. 

B complex vitamins are best in the activated forms, Swanson makes a nice supplement of activated B complex.  This is especially helpful for those with MTHFR defects.

Selenium is important for a great deal of things, especially your thyroid function, converting T4 to the active T3 is part of its job.  Methionine bound selenium is a good way to go, better yet is to eat Brazil nuts, the richest selenium source on earth.

Sulfur is important to joint and nervous system health, skin, etc.. way off most peoples radar, but super important. Eggs, beans, protein foods.

Iodine is important to thyroid, nervous system, immune, and other things. Its also great against fungus and fungal infections.

Most people will benefit from a high quaility multi mineral formula far more then a cheap synthetic multivitamin, (I dont take those)

Molybdenum is often overlooked.. eat chickpeas, and beans. Molybdenum is needed to handle sulfur.

Vitamins cant replace foods, science is still discovering things in foods that are beneficial and putting those things in pills, however those things were already in the foods to begin with. Tomatos have always had lycopene long before anyone knew or cared what lycopene was... eat the foods!

If you supplement do it wisely.

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Friday, May 30, 2014

A health topic. Vitamin D. For years doctors have told people to avoid the sun, and as a result doctors are far busier, and people are way sicker. A quick introduction to vitamin d. First off, its not a vitamin, its a hormone, made when sun hits the skin causing a chemical process involving cholesterol, and UVB rays and sulfur. The result is cholecalciferol, a steroid hormone, when it gets to the liver it is further converted, but all the other stuff is really not that important. Here is what is important. 2000 genes are activated by Vitamin D... 2000!!! Elderly patients given vitamin D had decreased mortality from all causes!!! I personally have advocated judicious use of vitamin d supplements for the last 10+ years, however, I think it is important to know that supplementation is not as good as actual sun. That is right, that fiery thing in the sky that humans have adapted too over a very long time is still essential to health. I dont think its a mistake that God made making our skin photo reactive, I do think it is a tremendous mistake to tell people to:

1. avoid the sun
2. use sunscreen all the time
3. have the mindset that the sun is bad for you.

The story of these mice. The two top mice are 4.5 months old, while the lower are 8.5 months old. The mice on the left are vitamin d deficient.

these two factors will lead to low Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, this makes you more susceptible to a wide variety disease states because your body needs vitamin d to function properly. I used to dose my kids with vitamin d before athletic competitions. I dont do it anymore. They do it themselves now, I have to hunt down the vitamin D pills because they feel the benefits of it. It improves muscular strength, nervous system function, immune health, bone health, cardiovascular health... everything.. The supplement I recommend is Bio Tech D3. I use the 50,000 unit dose weekly or every 10 days in winter and almost not at all during the summer or sunnier months.. Warning, the first time you take this you will feel strangely good and energetic and possibly unable to sleep.. Take it in the morning.. get a blood test... Serum 25, levels should be between 40-60... yes if you look it up they will disagree, my levels are for optimum health.. the USRDA is so incredibly low, it will only prevent rickets.. Also dont take D2, only take D3, and if your doctor is prescribing D2, stop taking it and switch to D3... but Sun is best.. the added benefit comes from the Sun and the sulfated form of vitamin d that is water soluable. Sun will also cause your cholesterol levels will go down if you care about that sort of thing.

Your body also needs sulfur. both sulfur and cholesterol protect your skin during sun exposure and prevent cancer.. eat these foods :eggs, legumes, garlic, onions, brussel sprouts, asparagus, kale, wheat germ.

never take calcium without vitamin D, and magnesium. D3 is far more important to bone health then calcium! This post is getting long. Oh yeah, ALL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES BENEFIT FROM PROPER VITAMIN D LEVELS!