Jump Manual

Friday, May 30, 2014

A health topic. Vitamin D. For years doctors have told people to avoid the sun, and as a result doctors are far busier, and people are way sicker. A quick introduction to vitamin d. First off, its not a vitamin, its a hormone, made when sun hits the skin causing a chemical process involving cholesterol, and UVB rays and sulfur. The result is cholecalciferol, a steroid hormone, when it gets to the liver it is further converted, but all the other stuff is really not that important. Here is what is important. 2000 genes are activated by Vitamin D... 2000!!! Elderly patients given vitamin D had decreased mortality from all causes!!! I personally have advocated judicious use of vitamin d supplements for the last 10+ years, however, I think it is important to know that supplementation is not as good as actual sun. That is right, that fiery thing in the sky that humans have adapted too over a very long time is still essential to health. I dont think its a mistake that God made making our skin photo reactive, I do think it is a tremendous mistake to tell people to:

1. avoid the sun
2. use sunscreen all the time
3. have the mindset that the sun is bad for you.

The story of these mice. The two top mice are 4.5 months old, while the lower are 8.5 months old. The mice on the left are vitamin d deficient.

these two factors will lead to low Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, this makes you more susceptible to a wide variety disease states because your body needs vitamin d to function properly. I used to dose my kids with vitamin d before athletic competitions. I dont do it anymore. They do it themselves now, I have to hunt down the vitamin D pills because they feel the benefits of it. It improves muscular strength, nervous system function, immune health, bone health, cardiovascular health... everything.. The supplement I recommend is Bio Tech D3. I use the 50,000 unit dose weekly or every 10 days in winter and almost not at all during the summer or sunnier months.. Warning, the first time you take this you will feel strangely good and energetic and possibly unable to sleep.. Take it in the morning.. get a blood test... Serum 25, levels should be between 40-60... yes if you look it up they will disagree, my levels are for optimum health.. the USRDA is so incredibly low, it will only prevent rickets.. Also dont take D2, only take D3, and if your doctor is prescribing D2, stop taking it and switch to D3... but Sun is best.. the added benefit comes from the Sun and the sulfated form of vitamin d that is water soluable. Sun will also cause your cholesterol levels will go down if you care about that sort of thing.

Your body also needs sulfur. both sulfur and cholesterol protect your skin during sun exposure and prevent cancer.. eat these foods :eggs, legumes, garlic, onions, brussel sprouts, asparagus, kale, wheat germ.

never take calcium without vitamin D, and magnesium. D3 is far more important to bone health then calcium! This post is getting long. Oh yeah, ALL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES BENEFIT FROM PROPER VITAMIN D LEVELS!

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